Tuesday, May 20, 2008

'Robot' - Rajini goes to America

Work on 'Robot' is going on as fast as war and as slow as for peace.There are lots of graphics and animation work involved in the film, and the technical crew has already gone to the US.

In a few days, Shankar and Rajini are to go to US, to bring about a young Rajini on screen.

In 'Sivaji,' top rated make-up artistes and make up stuff was used to give Rajini that young appearance. In 'Robot,' he is supposed to look younger than that, hence the trip to the US.In 'Robot,' Rajini is expected to change into various get-ups quite like Kamal in his new film. This is all because of the story.
In US, there will be changes made to Rajini's appearance and in a way it is quite like a photo session. Because it is Shankar and Rajini, the trip would be a costly one.