Saturday, December 29, 2007

Grilled ( broiled) Prawns (Shrimp)

Prawns are delicious grilled, especially when they are flavoured with spices. buy the largest prawns you can find for this dish.

serves 4-6


18 large cooked prawns

4 tbsp lemom juice

1 tsp salt

1 tsp garlic pulp

11/2 tsp soft light brown sugar

3 tbsp shopped fresh coriander

1 fresh green chilli, sliced

1 tomato, sliced

1 small onion, cut into rings

lemon wedges

1. peel the prawns and rinse them gently under cold water. using a sharp knife, makea slit at the back of each prawn and open out into a butterfly shape.Put the remaining ingredients,with the exception of the chilli,tomato,onion and lemon wedges,in a bowl and mix together thoroughly.

2.Add the prawns to the spice mixture,making sure they are coated,and leave to maintain for about 1 hour.

3.Place the green chilli,tomato slices and onion rings in a flameproof dish. Add the prawn mixture and cook under a very hot preheated grill for about 10-15 minutes,basting several times with a brush. Serve immediately ,garnished with the lemon wedges.