Saturday, December 29, 2007


What a pity that around the world,war has broken out
From the begining of time,throughout the ages
Wars have never stopped.
Imagine how the people suffer.

The soldiers go into battle
The siren sounds
The army planes join the fight
And all the run into their homes,
Hoping to be in a safer place.

Even now,in the 21st century,the war hasn't stopped
Inventing weapons to kill their brothers
Inventing missiles and land mines
Oh!what a waste of life
oh!what a waste of money and time.

People from other many countries
People suffering,dying
Because of blood thirsty men who want to rule
And make the innocent suffer.

But there is a way of stopping these wars.
We as one family,
Should try with all our hearts
To make peace,at least in our homes.

So that world could learn from those who
Try to make the world a better place.....

Please stop war!!!!